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University of Maryland
Student Facilities Fund Bylaws
October 14, 2022

Mission Statement

The Student Facilities Fund provides funding for physical improvements that enhance the student experience at the University of Maryland. Student initiated projects and more general campus improvements are eligible for funding from the Student Facilities Fund.

Article 1: Student Advisory Subcommittee

Section 1.1: Powers and Voting

The Facilities Student Advisory Subcommittee (FSAS) is a student-majority subcommittee of the University Facilities Council. The FSAS reports to the Senior Vice President and Provost and is responsible for recommending projects to the Provost. Projects eligible for funding can be brought to the attention of the subcommittee by the Department of Facilities Planning  , the FSAS membership, or proposed by a student.

A simple majority of the Subcommittee’s full membership is required to finalize a recommendation. The Provost will review FSAS recommendations and submit a list of projects to Facilities Council for their action.

Section 1.2: Duties of the Subcommittee

Subcommittee members shall review project applications and recommend allocation of funds to the Senior Vice President.  Recommended projects should provide a project description, and an explanation for the subcommittees support as well as a rationale for the recommended funding amount.

Section 1.3: Member Representation

The Subcommittee shall consist of at least four undergraduate students, two graduate students and two non-students as identified below. Additional members may be added by the University Facilities Council.

Voting Members and Terms:

1. The undergraduate member of the Facilities Advisory Committee.

2. A minimum of three undergraduate students appointed by the Senior Vice President and Provost from nominations from the Student Government Association. These individuals can serve for 4 years as members of the Subcommittee.

3. A minimum of two graduate students appointed by the Senior Vice President and Provost from nominations from the Graduate Student Government. These individuals may serve for four years as members of the Subcommittee.

4. A member of the University Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC). This individual is appointed to the Subcommittee by the FAC Chair (Associate VP for Facilities Management Term will be for two years and may be repeatable.

5. A  member of the University’s Facilities Council. This individual is appointed by the Chair of the University Facilities Council (Senior Vice President and Provost).  Term will be two years and is repeatable.

6. The Director of Facilities Planning (or designee), who is responsible for overseeing the final fund allocations as explained in Section 2, will serve as ex-officio member of the Subcommittee.

The Senior Vice President and Provost must solicit nominations by May 15 each year and appoint new Subcommittee members before the beginning of the fall semester.

The Subcommittee may invite experts/guests to provide information and draw on campus expertise as needed.

Section 1.4: Officers of the Subcommittee

The Subcommittee shall have two officers: a Chair and a Vice Chair. The Chair and Vice Chair shall hold office for one year. Term may be repeatable one time. May serve a third term to transition to the following chair.

The Chair shall be the undergraduate student representative from the University Facilities Advisory Committee.  The Chair presides at all meetings of the Subcommittee, acting as a facilitator. The Chair shall also coordinate and approve meeting agendas.

The Vice Chair will assist the Chair with his or her duties. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall assume all duties of the Chair. The Vice Chair may be any voting member of the Subcommittee. At the beginning of each term of office (September 1), the Subcommittee will take nominations for Vice Chair and shall select the Vice Chair by a majority vote.

Section 1.5: Terms of Office

Each member of the Subcommittee will be appointed for one year beginning on September 1 and ending on August 31 of the following year. Faculty and staff members may serve successive terms, provided they remain FAC members.

The Facilities Council Chair (Provost) must solicit nominations by May 15 each year and appoint new Subcommittee members before the beginning of the fall term.

The Chair and Vice Chair shall hold office for a one year term. The Chair and Vice Chair may serve a maximum of 1 successive term.

Section 1.5: Member Qualifications

All student members of the Subcommittee must be registered (full or part-time) UMD students during their term/s of office.

Staff and faculty members of the Subcommittee must be currently employed by UMD.

Section 1.6: Member Replacement

In the event of repeated absences, conflict of interest, or other appropriate reason, the Subcommittee may recommend to the Senior Vice President and Provost  that a member be removed.

In the event a Subcommittee member is removed or resigns, the original appointing body will select a replacement. The new Subcommittee member will serve the remainder of the original member’s term.

Section 1.7: Conflict of Interest

The Subcommittee shall conduct itself in such a way that its decisions avoid conflicts of interest as well as any appearance of a conflict of interest.  Members of the Subcommittee may submit proposals for consideration but any member who submits a proposal must recuse him/herself from voting on that proposal.

Article 2: Allocation of Funds and Project Selection

Section 2.1: Allocation of Funds

The Subcommittee may elect to recommend funding for a portion of a proposal.  Recommendations to the Facilities Council may be submitted at any time during the Academic Year.

Section 2.2: Criteria for Proposed Projects

The Subcommittee shall give preference and priority to project proposals that meet the following criteria:

1. Connection to Campus

Projects must directly improve the facilities and grounds of the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) campus. Proposals  must be physical improvements to the interior or exterior of a University building or  enhancements to University controlled property and grounds. Funding is limited to physical improvements and the implementation of those improvements.  Requests for funding cannot include funds for programs or their operations , staff needs, related  activities, events, etc..

2. Feasibility and Institutional Support

To be eligible for Student Facilities funding projects must:

1. Be functional.

2. Be feasible with available funds.  If funding the project involves multiple sources, then all funding must be obtained and secured before any Student Facilities Funds can be released;

3. Obtain a signed endorsement from the highest ranking responsible party to whom the space is assigned (e.g. an academic dean (or his or her designee), a vice president (or his/her designee); or the Associate Vice President for Facilities Management. The highest ranking responsible party commits to advising the student group throughout the proposal development process, the review of plans, and to provide general oversight during project implementation should the project be recommended for funding by the Subcommittee and approved by the Facilities Council (FC).

4. Benefit a significant constituent of students.

5. Enhance campus buildings or their environs.

The Subcommittee may determine additional requirements and preferences for each year’s funding cycle provided that these criteria are consistent with the overall mission of the Student Facilities Fund and consistent with the criteria and preferences outlined above.

Section 2.3: Review of Proposals

Any exterior project proposal that is property/campus land must have technical review by appropriate Facilities Management (FM) staff to determine feasibility (technical, life-safety, regulatory permits, campus design criteria, cost and schedule feasibility) as part of the review process by the Student Facilities Fund Committee. Exterior project proposals for building modifications and/or landscape enhancements may be subject to review by the Architectural and Landscape Review Board (ALRB).

Section 2.3: Project Implementation Process

Student Facilities Funds are held in a single account managed by Facilities Management. No approved funds for projects will be transferred to sponsoring departments.

Notification of approved projects by the University Facilities Council is communicated to the Subcommittee’s Chair.  The Chair who will notify project sponsors and the  Facilities Management, Director of Facilities Planning.  Once notified the appropriate associated Facilities Management departmental staff will:

a.  Initiate the project schedule with a  coordination meeting(s) to confirm project scope, cost and schedule with the Project Sponsor/Contact. Obtain approvals by all parties for any substantial scope, cost and/or schedule changes;

b.  Develop administrative procedures for the project;

c.  Establish a project plant account;

d.  Assign the project to the appropriate FM department and Project Manager;

e.  Manage construction contracts and implementation, with periodic progress notifications, to project completion.

Article 3: Other Rules Governing Student Facilities Fund Funds

1. The Subcommittee may not recommend more than 100 percent of the funds available in the Student Facilities Fund to the Facilities Council. Any funds not allocated in a given year shall remain in the Student Facilities Fund account for future use.

2. Funds allocated to a project that are not spent at the end of the project shall be returned to the Student Facilities Fund.

3. The Student Facilities Fund shall continue to operate even after student fees are no longer collected into the Fund, as long as sufficient money remains in the Student Facilities Fund account.


Article 4: Accountability, Records, and Reports

Section 4.1: Student Facilities Fund Accountability to Stakeholders

The Subcommittee shall make all of its Student Facilities Fund records available to the public and issue an annual report of its activities to the Facilities Council, Facilities Management, Office of the Vice President for Administration & Finance, University Senate, Student Government Association, and the Graduate Student Government. This report shall be posted on the Student Facilities Fund website (

Section 4.2: Accountability of Projects

A status report for all projects funded by the Student Facilities Fund shall be provided to the Subcommittee and to the Facilities Council on an annual basis. This report shall include schedule, scope, and financial information about the project.

Article 5: Amendment of Bylaws

Modifications to the Subcommittee Bylaws may be recommended to the University Facilities Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by the voting members of the Subcommittee. Recommended modifications must be consistent with the mission of the Student Facilities Fund.


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